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Tennant Creek to Darwin Gas Pipeline - Adelaide River Info and Q&A Session

On the 29th of November 2022 the NT department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics announced they are investigating a route for a new Tennant Creek to Darwin high pressure gas pipeline corridor.

The proposed pipeline is planned to create a new, higher capacity high pressure gas pipeline between Tennant Ck and Darwin. (See below map for route).


Despite the proposed pipeline corridor being announced more than 7 months ago, the detailed route is not publicly available and it is unclear whether all property owners and communities who may be directly impacted have been informed about it.

This is why we are holding an information/Q&A session to provide affected communities with some important information about the current situation.

If you're interested or concerned about this pipeline, we encourage you to e-mail [email protected] to be added to a group email chain so we can share information.

The Current Situation

Currently, the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has identified a preferred 130 metre wide infrastructure corridor, and are investigating whether following this preferred route is possible.

The current proposal obtained under freedom of information laws allows for the following infrastructure within the corridor:

- 1 x gas export pipeline including allowance for a second or looped pipeline

- 1 x natural gas liquids (NGL) export pipeline

- 1 x oil export pipeline

- 1 x hydrogen export pipeline

- Utility and services including water mains.

- 2 x others – allowance for sewer, CO2, slurry or other medium.

- Communications services route (CSR) – Fiber optic, telecoms and other commercial opportunities

- Power Lines -transmission and/or distribution power.

(diagram obtained under freedom of information laws). NGL = gas liquids e.g. Ethane, propane, butane. GEP = gas export pipeline.


Pipeline purpose

This pipeline is intended to transport fracked gas from the Beetaloo and Macarthur Basins, particularly from the area between Elliot, Larrimah and Borroloola, to Darwin for export as LNG and/or to be used as feedstock for a proposed petrochemical plant at Middle Arm.

The Beetaloo gas basin is currently at ‘exploration’ phase, with companies attempting to prove that commercial gas flow rates are possible, however companies could begin selling appraisal gas from exploration titles very soon.


Project Impacts - landholders

The construction of a high pressure gas pipeline and the other associated pipelines and cables is a major development that comes with numerous associated components including workers' camps, construction depots, compressor and scraper stations, and temporary dams, timber stockpiles and truck turnaround areas. 

Land access agreements for pipelines impose onerous obligations and restrictions on landholders. 

They are binding on all future owners of the land and usually affect property values.

Soil disturbance leads to erosion and sedimentation, while vehicle movements can spread weeds, pests and diseases.

Pipelines are accompanied by above-ground infrastructure that interfere with general property management tasks.

Pipeline companies require 24 hour access to the pipeline easement, and the easement will constrain the uses that title holders can undertake.  

People living near gas pipelines can be affected by health issues.


We are inviting all potentially affected landholders and residents between Manton and Douglas-Daly to attend.

The aim of the session is to provide attendees with the latest information we have about the project, who’s impacted and what to expect over the next 12 months. 

Please RSVP by registering.


We will provide attendees with information from lawyers and landholders with expertise in negotiating land access agreements, on-property impacts and landholders' legal rights and obligations when dealing with resources companies seeking a pipeline easement on their land. We will also cover things landholders and communities can be doing to make their concerns known including to local MPs and relevant Ministers etc.


Get Yourself On Our Email Updates List

It is unlikely that the NT Government will write to landholders or residents directly about the pipeline. Based on what we’ve seen elsewhere, it is likely that there will only be limited advertising in regional newspapers prior to company representatives simply arriving on properties demanding access. 

To make absolutely sure you’re kept up-to-date with everything that’s happening, please join our email list at

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you at our information session.

December 02, 2023
10am - 11:30am
Adelaide River Show Society Pavilion
Dorat Rd
Adelaide River, NT 0846
Google map and directions
Phil Scott · · 0457241603
Richard Luxton Jacui Jungle
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Richard Luxton
Jacui Jungle

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  • Richard Luxton
    rsvped 2023-12-02 10:12:23 +1100
  • Jacui Jungle
    rsvped 2023-11-30 18:18:00 +1100
  • Phil Scott
    is hosting. 2023-11-03 17:09:07 +1100